Upcoming Dates
October 7-11 - Homecoming Week PreK-8 HOMECOMING SCHEDULE
October 14 - No School
October 28 and 29 - Parish Busing in the PM
October 28 and 29 - Parent Teacher Conferences
November 1 - No School
October 8 - JH VB at Belmond Klemme, JH/HS XC at Eagle Grove, JJV/JV/V VB at West Hancock
October 9 - Catholic Choral Festival at Gehlen - Concert starts at 7:00
October 10 - JH VB North Iowa at Home, JJV/JV/V VB Newell Fonda at Home, 7th Gr. FB vs. North Union at home
October 11 - Dance Chili Supper at the Football Game, Varsity Football vs. GTRA, Homecoming Dance for Grades 9-12 after the game
Auditions for All Call Theatre Please click on the link to see more information about auditions for All Call Theatre production of “Beauty and the Beast Jr.” on October 20th.
Thursday, Oct. 10th
5:30pm - Right to Life meeting at Algona Public Library
Saturday, Oct. 12th
12:00pm - 2024 Rosary Crusade - join us in praying the Holy Rosary for our nation at Kemco Tires in Algona or St. John the Baptist in Bancroft
Saturday, Oct. 13th
4-7pm - KC Turkey Dinner @ KC Hall in Algona
Weekly Updates 9/30/24
Upcoming Dates
September 30 - Walk and Pray Event at Bishop Garrigan Conway Field
October 7-11 - Homecoming Week PreK-8 HOMECOMING SCHEDULE
October 14 - No School
October 28 and 29 - Parish Busing in the PM
October 28 and 29 - Parent Teacher Conferences
November 1 - No School
October 3 - Picture Retake Day at Garrigan
September 30 - JH Football vs. Northwood at Home, JH/HS Cross Country at Algona, JV/V Volleyball Triangular at North Union, JV Football vs. West Bend at Home
October 1 - JH Volleyball vs. Eagle Grove at Home, JJV/JV/V Volleyball vs. Forest City at Home
October 4 - Varsity Football at Siouxland Christian
5th and 6th grade boys interested in Youth Basketball please click on the 5th-6th Grade Basketball Information and Form to sign up
October 5 - Algona Band Day
Tuesday, October 1st 6:00pm - Blessing of the Pets! Bring your well-behaved pets to be blessed. We will gather in the parking lot on the south side of the rectory at St. Cecelia with our pets. For the safety of our pets, please make sure they are on a leash.
Thursday, October 3rd
12:00pm - Lectio Divina lunch time study @ Presentation Center
Sunday, October 6th
NEW SUNDAY MASS TIMES BEGIN - 8:00am @ St. Michael & St. John the Baptist, 10:00am - Sts. Peter & Paul & St. Cecelia
Families After Church following the Mass at St. Michael & St. Cecelia - join us for coffee and donuts!
1:30pm - Life Chain 2024 @ Louscher Dentistry Parking lot in Algona
5:30pm - Youth Group w/ Fr. Zach
September 30 - Walk and Pray Event at Bishop Garrigan Conway Field
October 7-11 - Homecoming Week
October 14 - No School
Flu Vaccine Link Community Health and KRHC will be bringing the flu vaccine to Bishop Garrigan when it becomes available. The Flu shot will be the only vaccine that is offered.
If you want to receive the flu vaccine at school, please return the attached consent form, along with a front and back side copy of your insurance card to the office by September 27th. Once a date for the clinic is set, we will notify you.
Gift Gathering Party - please join us Friday for a Gala gift gathering party. See flier for details.BISHOP GARRIGAN
September 23 - JH FB vs. Newell Fonda @ 4:15, JH/HS XC at Humboldt, JV FB at GTRA @ 6:00
September 24 - JH VB at Emmetsburg @ 4:00, JJV/JV/V Volleyball at North Iowa, Girls Swim vs. Spencer
September 26 - JH VB vs. Newman at 4:15, 7th Grade Football vs West Bend at 4:15, Girls Swim at Perry, 9th Grade Football vs ELC at 6:00
September 27 - Renaissance Festival Grades 9-12, Varsity Football vs Rockford at 7:00
September 28 - Varsity Volleyball BGHS Tourney Home
High School Activity Pictures: Mr. Ahlers has published the site families to look at the activity pictures.It will be updated as more pictures are taken. Currently it only has this year on it. Eventually it will have past years.
Where to find it:
Go to Activities
Scroll toward the bottom.
Friday: Kindergarten will be spending their afternoon at Call Park!
Tuesday, September 24th
6:00pm - 'Prayer: Looking to Heaven' with Fr. Zach on Liturgy of the Hours. This is the second location for this class and is the same presentation he gave on Tuesday, Sept. 17th at the Presentation Center. If you would like to watch his presentation online, visit
Thursday, September 26th
12:00pm - Lectio lunch time study @ Presentation Center
Saturday, September 28th
4:00pm - Last Call Before Fall - Divine Mercy youth will be selling walking tacos at our table on State St. and after the 4:30pm Mass in the Presentation Center. All proceeds go toward our faith formation programs.
Reminder: New Sunday Mass times begin Sunday, October 6th. St. Michael & St. John the Baptist will move to 8:00am. Sts. Peter & Paul & St. Cecelia will move to 10:00am. Saturday Mass times will remain the same. Confession will also now be offered at 7:30am at St. Michael & St. John the Baptist starting Oct. 6th.
*Divine Mercy is on Instagram! Make sure to follow us for all the latest videos and news @dmparishkossuth
Walk and Pray - Students have been doing a wonderful job on our Walk and Pray, and we have met our goal as a system for the second turn in. The Out of Uniform Day on September 19 will be a system goal, so everyone will be able to be out of uniform. The sundaes on September 26th will be an individual goal. Students that have met their goal will receive a ticket for their ice cream sundae. Thank you to everyone that has been working hard for this. Transportation is something that all students benefit from. This fundraiser supports the upkeep of our buses and vehicles. Recently we added a new suburban to our fleet!
Football Game on September 20 - Admission: Presale tickets for Friday, Sept 20, Northwood-Kensett football game can be found at or debit/credit card at the gate - no cash sales.
$8 Adult
$5 Student
September 30 - Walk and Pray Event at Bishop Garrigan Conway Field
October 7-11 - Homecoming Week
October 14 - No School
September 18th: 5th grade will be taking a canoeing trip to Smith Lake from 1-3pm.
September 16 - JH Football at West Bend, G/B JH/HS Cross Country at Emmetsburg @ 5:00, JV Volleyball Quad at Lake Mills@ 6:00
September 17 - JH at North Union in Swea City, JJV/JV/V volleyball vs. North Union at home, Girls Swim at Perry
September 19 - JH volleyball at West Hancock (Kanawha)
September 20 - Walk and Pray Turn in #3, V Football at Northwood Kensett
September 21 - Girls Swim at Fort Dodge, JV Volleyball Tournament at Algona, Varsity CYO Volleyball at Home
Tuesday, September 17th
6:00pm - Prayer: Looking to Heaven Series led by Fr. Matthew and Fr. Zach. Join us in the Presentation Center or via livestream from the Divine Mercy Facebook page. Light refreshments will be offered at 5:30pm.
Thursday, September 19th
12:00pm- Lectio Divina lunch time study @ Presentation Center
Sunday, September 22nd
6:30pm - Catholic Sun event at S&B Farms Distillery in Bancroft with guest speaker Fr. Feller. Topic will be about the Catholic Passage. Catholic Passage supports parents and educators as they pass on the Catholic faith and way of life to their children and students. Doors open at 6:00pm. Visit forALL BUILDINGS
Upcoming Dates:
September 16 - No School
September 30 - Walk and Pray event at Bishop Garrigan Conway Field
Bishop Garrigan T-shirts– Show your BG pride! If you would like to order, please use this LINK. Orders close September 15th.
September 10 - G/B JH/HS XC at Estherville Lincoln Central 5:00 PM, JJVJV/V Volleyball vs. Eagle Grove at Home (Senior Night) Varsity starts at 7:00 PM., Girls Swim at Perry
September 12 - JH Football at North Iowa at 4:15, Girls Swim at Fort Dodge, JJV/JV/V volleyball vs GHV (varsity starts at 7:00 PM)
September 13 - Walk and Pray Turn in #2, Varsity Football at North Iowa at 7:00 PM
Walk and Pray: Please continue to work towards our goal! We are off to a great start!
All School Photo: We will be taking an all school photo (K-12) on Wednesday! This will be done at Conway Field after mass! Please make sure you discuss with your children the importance of taking a large group photo and the appropriateness needed!
The Catholic Daughters of America are doing a fundraiser. They are selling Pasquale’s Pizza. If your are interested in purchasing any pizza, you can reach out to Becky Zittritsch (515-341-5341).
September 12 Public Safety Night . Please see the FLIER for more details! Our Cheer and Dance team will have some face painting and a game that night!
Please click on the link to see this opportunity from Kemna Ford.
Take the Wheel! Help your School! From Kemna Ford.
Wednesday, September 11th
6:00pm - Men's Group discussing the video series: "Into the Breach: The Mission of the Family". Will meet in the Parish Office basement.
Thursday, September 12th
5:30pm - Right to Life Meeting at Algona Public Library
Friday, September 13th
7:00pm - Live Rosary in remembrance of Officer Kevin Cram. Join in person in the St. Cecelia Adoration Chapel or on our livestream on the Divine Mercy Facebook page.
Saturday, September 14th
9:00am - Day of Prayer & Reflection at the Grotto. You may sign up at
Divine Mercy is looking for individuals & families who would like to be in the parade with Fr. Zach on Band Day, October 5th. If interested, please call Lori J at 515.295.3435 or email Abby at [email protected]
Upcoming Dates:
September 6 - Out of Uniform Day for Spirit Day (please see information below)
September 16 - No School
September 30 - Walk and Pray event at Bishop Garrigan Conway Field
September 6th is Spirit Day! Show your support for Bishop Garrigan, Iowa Hawkeyes, Iowa State, or another team you support with a free Out of Uniform Day! If you choose to wear shorts, please wear uniform shorts.
Busing: Bishop Garrigan Transportation is established at the beginning of the year. If there is a special circumstance and your child needs to ride the bus, please call the office. Your child can not get on a bus without calling the office first.
It is important that everyone read the Student Handbook so all are aware of the policies at Bishop Garrigan. When you have read through the handbook, please fill out the google form.
Bishop Garrigan Student Handbook
Google form verifying you read the handbook
It’s time again to “Paint your BG Pride”
Please complete the attached form and return to the BG Office with payment by September 6th.
After contacting you, Dance coaches Ashley Meyer and Ashley Frideres will personally paint a new BG logo or touch up an existing logo!
If you have questions, please contact Ashley Meyer at [email protected]
We look forward to this fun opportunity to paint the town Black and Gold!
Go Bears!
Walk and Pray - 1st Turn in is September 3rd, 2nd Turn is September 13, and the third turn in is September 20th. Students can bring their pledge cards and money to their classroom teacher or 1st Period Class. The Walk and Pray Walkathon will be on September 30th!
September 3 - G/B JH/HS Cross Country at Newman (5:00), JV Football at West Hancock (6:00)
September 4 - Mass at 8:40
September 5 - JJV/JV/V Volleyball at Lake Mills (games start at 5:30, Varsity at 7:00)
September 6 - Varsity Football at Home vs. West Bend (Senior Night), Junior Class Meal for After Prom at the football game
September 7 - JJV/JV volleyball tournament at Algona (9:00 AM), Girls Swim at Mason City (10:00 AM)
September 5th: School picture day!!
Please click on the link to see this opportunity from Kemna Ford.
Take the Wheel! Help your School! From Kemna Ford.
Upcoming Dates
August 30 - 2:15 dismissal for the Labor Day weekend
August 30 - Walk and Pray Kick Off
September 2 - No School - Labor Day
It is important that everyone read the Student Handbook so all are aware of the policies at Bishop Garrigan. When you have read through the handbook, please fill out the google form.
Bishop Garrigan Student Handbook
Google form verifying you read the handbook
It’s time again to “Paint your BG Pride”
Please complete the attached form and return to the BG Office with payment by September 6th.
After contacting you, Dance coaches Ashley Meyer and Ashley Frideres will personally paint a new BG logo or touch up an existing logo!
If you have questions, please contact Ashley Meyer at [email protected]
We look forward to this fun opportunity to paint the town Black and Gold!
Go Bears!
August 29 - PICTURE DAY AT GARRIGAN! Please see the FLYER for more details.
August 29 - G/B XC at Spencer (5:00 PM)
August 29 - JJV/JV/V Volleyball at home vs. Belmond Klemme
August 30 - V Football at home vs. St. Edmond (7:00 PM)
August 31 - V Volleyball Tournament at St. Edmond (9:00 AM)
School Picture Day: School pictures for our Seton students will be on September 5th!
Please see the FLYER for more details about Picture Day at Seton.
Weekday Mass Schedule:
7:30am @ BGHS
8:30am @ St. Michael’s
8:30am @ St. Joseph, Wesley (adoration and confessions to follow)
5:30pm @ St. John’s (adoration and confessions before)
8:40 @ St. Cecelia, BG Mass
Afternoon- Nursing Home on rotating basis
8:30am @ St. Michael’s (adoration and confession to follow)
5:30pm @ Sts. Peter and Paul (adoaration and confessions before)
7am @ St. Cecelia (confessions to follow)
Upcoming Events:
9/8- Parish Fall Festival 11:30-1:30
Games, food, raffle, and a dunk tank w/ Fr. Zach
9/14- Day of Reflection at the Grotto
9am-3:30pm prayer, reflection, and adoration led by Msgr. Girres and Dcn. Bruce
September 12 - Public Safety Night Out at the Fairgrounds from 5:00-8:00 PM
August 23 - First Day of School for Grades K-12
Upcoming Dates;
August 30 - 2:15 dismissal for the Labor Day weekend
September 2 - No School - Labor Day
Mrs. Rahm has 3yr old Pre-K through 8th grade yearbooks still left from the 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years. If you didn't get a book and would still like one they are $25. Email Mrs. Rahm at [email protected] to get your copy. Be on the lookout for this year's yearbook sale!
School Breakfast/Lunch Information
Free and Reduced Lunch Information Letter
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
It is important that everyone read the Student Handbook so all are aware of the policies at Bishop Garrigan. When you have read through the handbook, please fill out the google form.
Bishop Garrigan Student Handbook
Google form verifying you read the handbook
Start time at Garrigan: The first bell rings at 8:12. Students must be in their seats and ready for prayer by 8:15. Students are dismissed at 3:15. Breakfast starts at 7:30.
HS yearbooks will be passed out Friday. If your students didn't receive one and would like one Mrs. Rahm has extras for sale for $45. Extra yearbooks are sold on a first come first serve basis while supplies last.
Senior Kickoff on August 22 starting with Mass at 7:00 PM.
August 29 - PICTURE DAY AT GARRIGAN! Please see the FLYER for more details.
Please register on the Bound App if you have not done so yet. It is important that you register. Coaches will communicate through this App. You will also submit physicals and concussion forms through this. You can not participate without submitting physical and concussion forms.
Bound for a Coop (Wrestling and Girls Swimming)
Bound Registration for two household
School Picture Day: School pictures for our Seton students will be on September 5th!
Please see the FLYER for more details about Picture Day at Seton.
Parish Meals:
8/21- Wednesday 5pm, Mulligan Stew at St. Joe, Bode. Games for kids, country store, and raffle drawings.
8/25- Sunday 8-12, Knights of Columbus-Right to Life Breakfast at Columbia Events Center.
Parish Events:
8/25- The Catholic Sun. Come listen to Susanne Reding discuss her experience at the National Eucharistic Congress and enjoy a conversation about the Congress and the Eucharist in our lives. At River Road Golf Course, snacks and drinks will be available.
9/8- Parish Families Against Hunger Fall Festival. There will be a meal, games for kids, raffle drawings, and even a dunk tank.
Mass Changes:
The regularly scheduled 8am mass at BGHS Chapel will be at 7:30am starting on September 9 to allow students and faculty the opportunity to come to mass to start the week.
Here's some back to school information for you to put on your calendar.
Just a reminder if you have not looked closely at the calendar yet, no school days are moving to Mondays instead of Wednesdays this year. The first day for this is September 16.
First Day of School for K-12 is August 23rd
First Day of School for Kindergarten Prep is August 23rd
First Day of School for 4 Year old Preschool is August 27th
First Day of School for 3 Year old Preschool is August 27th
Here is the link for the School Supply List.
Back to School Conferences
Back to School Conferences Parent Letter
Back to School Conference Sign Up
School Breakfast/Lunch Information
Free and Reduced Lunch Information Letter
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
Fall Concession Stand Information: If you are a parent of a child in fall sports, please remember to sign up by August 15th. If you do not sign up by this time, you will be assigned a time slot to work.
Concession Stand Parent Letter
Concession Stand Sign Up Directions for using a cell phone
Concession Stand Sign Up Directions using your computer
Start time at Garrigan: The first bell rings at 8:12. Students must be in their seats and ready for prayer by 8:15. Students are dismissed at 3:15. Breakfast starts at 7:30.
Mrs. Collison is a new PE teacher this year at Garrigan. She is looking for some donations to add to her classes. These can be donations or to borrow. If you have these items, you can email Mrs. Cassie Collison at [email protected]. Tennis racquets, croquet sets (even if not complete), and if anyone has a ping pong table the would like to get rid of, she would like to have one.
PICTURE DAY AT GARRIGAN: Please see the FLYER for more details.
Please register on the Bound App if you have not done so yet. It is important that you register. Coaches will communicate through this App. You will also submit physicals and concussion forms through this. You can not participate without submitting physical and concussion forms.
Bound for a Coop (Wrestling and Girls Swimming)
Bound Registration for two household
August 22 - Senior Night–Mass begins at 7:00 PM
Start time at Seton is at 8:20. If you are not eating breakfast, you can drop students off at 8:05. The day ends at 3:20
August 14th: Kindergarten Bash from 5:30 - 7:00. This is a come and go event that provides an opportunity for students and families to meet their classmates and teachers, as well as enjoy games and activities! EVENT HAS MOVED TO EAST PARKING LOT.
We are getting ready for the new school year, and we can’t wait to have our buildings filled with our students again. We have missed you! It’s our first Weekly Update–and it’s got lots of important information! We have many new families. Welcome to all of you!
First Day of School for K-12 is August 23
First Day of School for Kindergarten Prep is August 23rd
First Day of School for 4 Year old Preschool is August 27th
First Day of School for 3 Year old Preschool is August 27th
Here is the link for the School Supply List.
Back to School Conferences
Back to School Conferences Parent Letter
Back to School Conference Sign Up
School Breakfast/Lunch Information
Free and Reduced Lunch Information Letter
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
Did you know both buildings serve breakfast? Start your day with School Breakfast! Breakfast is served daily with a Hot or Cold option available which includes Fruit, Juice & Milk! Students should take as few as 3 items for a qualifying meal or as many as 5 for a full breakfast. Breakfast is served at Seton from 7:35-8:10 and at Garrigan from 7:30-8:15 with High School having a to-go option till the end of 3rd period. Ala cart options are available at both locations. Let us make your morning great with breakfast at school!
Fall Concession Stand Information
Concession Stand Parent Letter
Concession Stand Sign Up Directions for using a cell phone
Concession Stand Sign Up Directions using your computer
PICTURE DAY AT GARRIGAN: Please see the FLYER for more details.
Please register on the Bound App if you have not done so yet. It is important that you register. Coaches will communicate through this App. You will also submit physicals and concussion forms through this. You can not participate without submitting physical and concussion forms.
Bound for a Coop (Wrestling and Girls Swimming)
Bound Registration for two household
Kindergarten Bash - August 14th (5:30 - 7:00) at Seton
PICTURE DAY AT SETON: Please see the FLYER for more details about Picture Day at Seton.
September 12 - Public Safety Night Out at the Fairgrounds from 5:00-8:00 PM
The information is updated weekly, and we encourage parents to check it regularly so they are aware of any new information or due dates. We will continue sending out weekly emails reminding parents to check! We hope you find it quick and easy to find the information you need.